Sunday, February 13, 2011

Genesis is not a Christian band ...

My mom was/is awesome. My dad's awesome as well. They (my mom, particularly) were very concerned with the public school my little sister and I were attending. That school was implementing this New Age crap program. Some of it was scary. We had to close our eyes and pretend we were under water and some other absurd stuff. Well, I started having nightmares about being under the water, and my mom was fed up with this stuff they were teaching us little ones. We were in 2nd and 3rd grade at the time.

Being the mom that she was/is, she took on the school. It didn't work, but she tried. So, Mom and Dad found us a private school. A Christian private school. We were/are Christian, so this was cool. My sister and I were excited. A brand new school for our 3rd and 4th grade years! Wow! To make things even better, our best friends were coming with us. Their parents didn't like the other school, either.

We made some great friends. It was a little hard for 3rd- and 4th-graders to get accustomed to the new dress code and the Biblical teachings, but we managed, for the most part. 

Not long after we started at this new school, I was given an in-class assignment. It was a paper that all the kids in the class had to fill out. It was a paper with a table on it. Each square in the table asked us to fill out some information. I can't remember all of them, but it was kind of like a "get-to-know-you" paper. This is where I learned my lesson.
It's a little small, but each square says "favorite whatever" for those of you who don't like to squint

One of the squares on the paper said "Favorite Christian Band." Well, I filled that one in quickly. My FAVORITE CHRISTIAN BAND WAS ..... Genesis. That one was easy. I didn't listen to Christian music, I listened to classic rock with my dad (yes, he has awesome taste in music!). Well, "Genesis" had to be a Christian band. Genesis was the first book of the Bible, for Pete's sake! 

I was pretty proud of filling out my little "get to know you" paper assignment. Pretty darn proud, until the teacher told me that Genesis was not a Christian band. I think she may have even talked to my parents about it. I was dumbfounded. How could this be? Surely nobody would ever name their band the same name as the first book in the Bible UNLESS it was a Christian band, right? Wrong. I was pretty wrong. It wasn't the answer the teacher was looking for, I guess. 

This was one of my first ever research-what-you're-going-to-say-before-you-say-it moments. I must admit, this 4th grade get-to-know-how-dumb-you-are-assignment wasn't one to be researched. Who has to research what their favorite color is, things they like to do, their favorite food, their favorite Christian band? 

Moral of the story: You might only *think* you actually know what you're talking about. Be prepared to have another person come up and prove you wrong. It happens. 

1 comment:

  1. Really, what 4th grader knows what a Christian band even is compared to any other band? I know I sure didn't! I knew what good music was though!

    PS Genesis rules!!!
